Jump straight into the Ford scene with this stunning MK2 Escort.
From the seller: “Here we have my stunning MK2 Escort 2 door, originally the shell was a 1300L 2 door shell and the previous owner transferred all the parts from the rotten RS2000 shell on to this solid shell so everything on this car has come from a genuine RS2000 MK2.
The car is Venetian Red and very solid with no rot or rust anywhere. Engine was rebuilt last year and is now bored to 2.1, it has a piper 285 ultimate camshaft and a Burton stage 3 head, high pressure oil pump, hepolite pistons and rings, RS alloy sump, brand new weber twin 45 carbs and manifold and linkage, full custom made Bestek ignition kit and coil, full Ashley manifold and exhaust, Burton alloy cast rocker cover, Hi-Torque starter motor, racing battery relocated under passenger seat and more I propably forgot, engine was then set up on rolling road and pulled a strong 154 BHP at the wheels, I have a video of the car on the rollers.”
Full details in the Bay listing.
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