What a great car this MGB GT V8 conversion is, and, with so little needed to get her back on the road again, she just needs someone to pick up the baton!
From the seller: “1975 MGB Jubilee
Running, near complete V8 project (Although I fully understand that the last 10% always seems to take forever, especially when family life and other projects get in the way, hence sale!!!)
Car was MOT’ed and on the road before the 4cyl came out.
Please note the sound on my phone video is a bit naff, much better v8 sounds in person!
– Rover SD1 high compression rover v8, unknown mileage, i’ve flushed the oil through, done a compression check and get good oil pressure (all ok), but not opened the engine
– New water pump and machined crank pulley to clear front subframe and fit trigger wheel
– New valley gasket
– New under plenum water pipes
– Intake manifold/plenum machined down to allow fitment under factory bonnet
– New v8 engine mounts
– New oil take off plate (the silly priced Mocal one)
– New mocal remote filter housing
– New oil cooler (havent piped this in yet, but its mounted)
– New throttle position sensor modified to fit (originals very hard to come by)”
And a whole lot more on the eBay listing!
For sale on eBay –> https://bit.ly/451964b