From the seller: “Stunning 1960 Ford Ranch Wagon. Not perfect but a good solid car and very rare!
Pros –
Original 352 (5.8ltr) V8 engine and 3 speed manual gearbox.
Starts and runs well.
Power Steering.
UK V5 registration. Tax and MOT exempt, so ready to roll!
Imported From Texas in 2019. Very structurally solid. All arches and footwells etc. are good.
All seat upholstery in great condition.
Abundance of room!
Cons –
Some rust on the bottom of the front doors and small area on bonnet.
There is some dents on roof, bonnet and chrome (from a hail storm she got caught in during her previous life in America!)
Paint on front left wing and door has perished.
Some window winders will need replacing as thread has gone.
Doors cards are a bit shabby.
Alternator has annoying squeak! (may have sorted this by time you come to see it)”
For sale on eBay –> Click here