From the seller: “Tax and MOT Free.
Imported 5 years ago and stripped almost to bare shell for minimal restoration and full respray in metallic grey. Fully stone-chipped underneath and dynomat interior sound proofing under new carpets. Arches cut and extended, deep front air dam fitted.
Lowered on coil-overs and fully polybushed. Rota 17″ wheels with slightly-stretched, quality-branded tyres. Nissan Maxima rear disc brake conversion. Yellow-painted calipers all round, new ones on the front when imported.
2600cc engine from a later 260z with reportedly a cam change (no proof) and triple twin webers. Recently powder-coated rocker cover, electronic ignition on Mallory optical distributor. Recent Bosch starter motor. Running waterless coolant and electronic fan. Always starts easily and idles fine, sounds amazing on full-chat! Slash-cut period exhaust with single silencer. Runs to temperature in traffic and has good oil pressure. 5 – speed manual box – working well, no crunching or whining. Diff recently serviced with new seals and painting.”
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