From the seller: “This is not a barn find. I have known its whereabouts since I started owning it. It lives in a garage, not a barn.
It has an incredible history. Everything from the pre delivery inspection onwards is there. To the right person, this is probably very interesting. I would love it to go to a local owner. I acquired this car in 2015. I have really enjoyed owning it but have things I want to do that this now (literally) gets in the way of.
I feel a terrible pang of guilt whenever I rest a cuppa on it or move it to get to something else. It needs using or doing something with and I don’t like being a person who doesn’t use and enjoy such a fun car.
In terms if what I’ve done to it – loads. Cambelt, water pump, brake lines, services, alternator, beam mounts, head gasket, cam cover gasket, dizzy cap and rotor arm, plugs, etc.
It won’t take a lot to recommission, it starts and runs. Having done nothing with it for 9 months, it seems there is a slow leak from the (new) radiator, probably just me not doing something properly. Has an XS head, is nice and revvy and goes well. Sunroof is a factory vacuum one which works. It is cosmetically ratty but I like that – it’s honest.
This is a great mini-project for a parent and child, a gang of chums, husband and wife, college etc.
It comes with a load of spare parts as I am getting out of the 205 game for a while (doors, alternators, interior bits etc.)”
For sale on eBay –> Click here