From the seller: “Produced mainly on the Nissan Navara chassis, the ASL-35 is an ideal work horse for repo and underground parking jobs
Auto closing jaws for quick and easy operation
Truck is upgraded to 3.5T giving it a maximum loading capacity
1T lifting capacity provides you with flexibility and capability for your line of work.
Side step storage boxes for straps and tools, easy to access and a great space saver.
Large storage capacity in the rear provides you with enough room to carry all your tools in one place in a stylish and practical manner.
Comes with one set of small dollies to get you started.
Winch front and back for towing and pulling in all scenarios.
Jump starting point ensures ease of operation.
Strobe lights front and back including recovery roof lights makes you visible to all road users.
Work lights on the front, side and back allow for operation all around the vehicle.
A Tow Bar to provide you with further options to tackle situations.
Self levelling air suspension provides you with a smooth, safe and stable ride.
Upgraded alloy wheels and tires for all the better capability on the road and off.”
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