£9bn Backlog
RAC head of roads policy Nicholas Lyes said: “The announcement of extra funding is welcome and will provide a boost to local highways authorities so they can fix some of our crumbling roads following the cold end to winter. Data suggests RAC patrols were attending over 200 pothole related breakdowns a day in the week following the early March cold snap. Some of the problems our patrols encountered included broken suspension springs, damaged shock absorbers and distorted wheels.
“Whilst extra money is welcome, recent independent analysis suggests there is a backlog of repairs totalling £9bn, so this is still a drop in the ocean when looking at the scale of what is required to fix our local roads. Poor quality road surfaces are not just a nuisance, they result in expensive repairs for drivers and can be fatal to cyclists.”
“The Government should look at producing a long term local roads strategy and a mechanism that can secure direct funding to help clear the backlog and bring local roads up to an adequate state. If the Government were to ring-fence 5p per litre from fuel duty, this would raise sufficient amounts over 5 years to help make our roads fit for purpose.”