33% of motorists carry shopping and food around in their car
A third of UK motorists are using their car as an extension to their kitchen, according to a new survey commissioned by BriteAngle, with 33% using it as a mobile pantry. More drivers carry car loads of tinned food, snacks, soft and alcoholic drinks as well as provisions to make a cup of tea on the move, than equipment to keep them safe at the side of the road such as a warning triangle.
Women are the worst offenders with 37% of female motorists of storing food and drink in their cars compared to 29% of male drivers. Wales appears to be the booziest nation, with 5% keeping alcohol in the boot of their cars. The survey also revealed that men are more likely to keep their cars free from clutter, with 17% keeping nothing in their cars.
Road Safety Designs, the company that designs, develops and produces the innovative BriteAngle road safety triangle, commissioned the survey to discover what motorists carry in the boot of their car on a day to day basis, and to see just how many were prepared in the event of an unplanned stop at the side of the road.
Stephen Wornham, Road Safety Designs’ Managing Director, said: “While it’s important to keep some emergency provisions of food with you in case of a breakdown, especially in the winter months, it seems that some Brits may be taking this to extremes. Motorists should be sure that along with their food and drinks, they have what they need to stay safe in the event of an unexpected stop.”
Warning Triangles
The survey showed that just 17% of drivers carry a warning triangle in their car, meaning that they are at higher risk of not being seen if their vehicle is in an accident or has broken down. In the event of an unexpected stop at the side of the road, motorists need to ensure they are seen and stay safe while stopped.
“Carrying and displaying a warning triangle can significantly increase safety at the side of the road. It is stressful enough to have to stop on a busy road, but not being prepared only adds to the strain,” Wornham continued. “By displaying a BriteAngle, motorists significantly decrease the chance of an accident occurring with their stopped vehicle. This is why we are calling on all motorists to carry a warning triangle in their car.”
BriteAngle’s flashing, high-intensity LEDs allow a hazard to be seen from up to 300 metres away, meaning motorists can set it up right behind their vehicle, vastly increasing the warning to approaching vehicles.